Conhecida pela sua forte presença televisiva em programas como Overhaulin’ , Xtreme 4×4, Mythbusters e All Girls Garage, Jessi Combs faleceu ontem, com apenas 39 anos de idade, conforme inicialmente reportado pela KTVZ News. Entretanto, um elemento da equipa da piloto confirmou a trágica notícia nas redes sociais e as autoridades comunicaram oficialmente a morte da “mulher mais rápida do mundo sobre quatro rodas”.

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So I don’t know how to say any of this but it all needs said. I have never loved or been loved by anyone as much as this amazing woman @thejessicombs she was truly my unicorn and I enjoyed every single minute that I had with her. She was the most amazing spirit that I have ever or will ever know. Unfortunately we lost her yesterday in a horrific accident, I was the first one there and trust me we did everything humanly possible to save her!! I’m not ok, but she is right here keeping my going-I made her a promise that if this didn’t go well that I would make sure and do good with it, please help me with that, you are all going to see things on news please believe non of them.. we the family have drafted a release and it will come out today with more proper info, but I was just woke up by the media tracking me down and I need everyone of her true friends to do what she would want “take a deep breath, relax” and do good things with this. Please donate to nothing, I know there will be people try, we are finishing the documentary as she wished and the world will know the truth and her foundation will use those funds to do amazing things in this world and make her legacy live on properly. In the coming days her family and I will get the proper channels put together that you can then donate to that foundation but until you hear it from me wait please-I don’t want some asshole profiting off this (all ready had one try to sell us a video)… . . Love you all and thank you all for being such amazing friends to her, she dedicated her life to helping support others dreams and I promise I will continue that. #doitforjessi #myjessi

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São ainda desconhecidos detalhes do acidente que vitimou a piloto, mas sabe-se que ocorreu em Alvord Desert, o leito seco de um rio no estado norte-americano de Oregon, onde Jessi Combs estaria a tentar melhorar o seu anterior recorde de velocidade em terra, estabelecido em 2013 e cifrado em 632 km/h, aos comandos do “North American Eagle Supersonic Speed Challenger”.

Esse registo viria a ser superado pela própria em 2016, com Jessi a ultrapassar os 708 km/h, marca que melhorou em 2018, ao passar a barreira dos 773 km/h, em Outubro do ano passado. Sucede que a tentativa acabou por não ser validada, pois são precisos dois percursos para certificar a velocidade média e problemas mecânicos no veículo impulsionado pelo motor a jacto de um avião impediram que o recorde fosse homologado.

Num mundo dominado pelos homens, Combs quebrou barreiras e serviu de modelo e fonte de inspiração para os amantes dos automóveis. Homens e mulheres. Foi uma das melhores alunas da WyoTech, prestigiado construtor de hot rods. Ao que parece, terminou o seu percurso a dar uma lição de vida: nunca desistir de fazer ainda melhor.